.. _example: Examples ======== Jenkins ---------------------------------------- The first step is to initialize Jenkins object, it is very simple, just set `url`, `username` and `password` or `api token`: >>> from api4jenkins import Jenkins >>> j = Jenkins('', auth=('username', 'password or token')) >>> print(j) if Jenkins integrated with LDAP server, sometimes LDAP server will refuse to connect if access with username and password too much often, in this case, you can set **max_retries(default is 1)** to retry or enable dynamic api token when initialize Jenkins which will create new api token and revoke token when object is destoried by garbage collection. >>> j = Jenkins('', auth=('username', 'password'), token=True) .. note:: Any parameter supported by `requests.Session.request `_ can be passed to initialize Jenkins object. Now, we have a :class:`Jenkins ` object `j`, let's check if Jenkins exists and retrive its version and crumb value:: >>> j.exists() True >>> j.version '2.176.2' >>> j.crumb {'_class': 'hudson.security.csrf.DefaultCrumbIssuer', 'crumb': 'ccc8a8388c8288140361e12526ca8b37aa8b05a33956905976bd57959832a225', 'crumbRequestField': 'Jenkins-Crumb'} In `api4jenkins `_, all classes are inheriented from class :class:`Item ` which provides many common methods and capability to access any `int, str, bool, none` value of key as attribute(**must be snake case of json key**) of object that returned by requesting `/api/json`. For example, we call `j.api_json()` to get data of Jenkins:: >>> j.api_json() { "_class": "hudson.model.Hudson", "assignedLabels": [ { "name": "master" } ], "mode": "EXCLUSIVE", "nodeDescription": "the master Jenkins node", "nodeName": "", "numExecutors": 1, "description": "My Jenkins", ..... } Then we can access attribute(**must be snake case of json key**) of Jenkins object to get value of key in json:: # attribute name should be snake case of key in json >>> j.description 'My jenkins' >>> j.num_executors 1 >>> j.node_description 'the master Jenkins node Call `j.dynamic_attrs` to get the dynamic attributes of an Item:: >>> j.dynamic_attrs ['_class', 'mode', 'node_description', 'node_name', 'num_executors', 'description', 'quieting_down', 'slave_agent_port', 'use_crumbs', 'use_security'] With Jenkins object you can manage many Items including: `Job`_, `Credential`_, `Node`_, `View`_, `Queue`_, `Plugin`_, `System`_ and so on. let's start with `Job`_ management. create job with `j.create_job()`:: >>> xml = """ ... ... ... ... echo $JENKINS_VERSION ... ... ... """ >>> j.create_job('freestylejob', xml) once job is created, we can get it by call `j.get_job()` or by subscript `j['freestylejob']` which will return a :class:`Job ` object:: >>> job = j.get_job('freestylejob') >>> print(job) # optional you can get job by accessing j['freestylejob'] >>> job = j['freestylejob'] now let's copy a new job and delete new:: >>> j.copy_job('freestylejob', 'dump-freestylejob') >>> dump_job = j.get_job('dump-freestylejob') >>> print(dump_job) >>> j.delete_job('dump-freestylejob') >>> dump_job = j.get_job('dump-freestylejob') >>> print(dump_job) None call `j.build_job()` to trigger job to build if it is buildable, it will return a :class:`QueueItem ` which can be used for retriving the :class:`Build `:: >>> item = j.build_job('freestylejob') >>> import time >>> while not item.get_build(): ... time.sleep(1) >>> build = item.get_build() >>> print(build) >>> for line in build.progressive_output(): ... print(line) .. note:: If you don't care console log, you can just poll the building status:: >>> while build.building: ... time.sleep(1) see `Build`_ you can also set delay and `Authentication Token` when trigger build:: >>> item = j.build_job('freestylejob', delay='30sec', token='abc') build with parameters is supported too:: >>> item = j.build_job('freestylejob', arg1='string1', arg2='string2') it's also possiable to iterate jobs of Jenkins, iterate jobs in first level:: # call function straightforward >>> for job in j.iter_jobs(): ... print(job) # or pythonic >>> for job in j: ... print(job) >>> for job in j(0): ... print(job) or iterate with depth :: >>> for job in j.iter_jobs(3): ... print(job) >>> for job in j(3): ... print(job) use `j.validate_jenkinsfile(content)` to validate your Jenkinsfile, it returns string '**Jenkinsfile successfully validated.**' if validate successful or error message.:: >>> j.validate_jenkinsfile('content') Job ---------------------------------- :class:`Job ` is user configured item in Jenkins, it's the base class of :class:`Folder ` and its subclass :class:`WorkflowMultiBranchProject `; :class:`Project ` and its subclass :class:`FreeStyleProject `, :class:`GitHubSCMNavigator `, :class:`IvyModuleSet `, :class:`MatrixProject `, :class:`MavenModuleSet `, :class:`MultiJobProject `, :class:`WorkflowJob `, :class:`MavenModuleSet `. as :class:`Job ` is subclass of Item, so we can retrive attributes from json returned by requesting `/api/json` as well:: >>> job.api_json() { "_class": "hudson.model.FreeStyleProject", "description": "test job", "displayName": "freestylejob", "displayNameOrNull": null, "fullDisplayName": "freestylejob", "fullName": "freestylejob", "name": "freestylejob", "url": "", "buildable": true, "builds": [], "color": "notbuilt", "firstBuild": null, "healthReport": [], "inQueue": false, ... } >>> job.buildable True >>> job.display_name 'freestylejob' to list all attributes are avaliable in json data >>> job.dynamic_attrs ['_class', 'description', 'display_name', 'full_display_name', 'full_name', 'name', 'url', 'buildable', 'color', 'in_queue', 'keep_dependencies', 'next_build_number', 'concurrent_build', 'disabled'] get the parent of `Job` >>> print(job.parent) get/update configuration: >>> print(job.configure()) ... echo $JENKINS_VERSION ... >>> xml = """ ... ... ... ... echo this is testing! ... ... ... """ >>> job.configure(xml) .. note:: method `configure()` is avaliable for Job, View, Credential, Node to get/set the xml configuration. get/set description of job: >>> job.description 'test job' >>> job.set_description('new description') rename/move/duplicate/delete of itself:: >>> job.rename('new_name') >>> job.move('path/to/new/locathon/') >>> job.duplicate('path/to/new/locathon/new_name') >>> job.delete() check if job exists: >>> job.exists() False Project ---------------------------------- :class:`Project ` is a kind of **buildable** Item in Jenkins, it's also subclass of Job. besides the methods come from Job, it has following additional methods. call `Project.build()` will start a :class:`Build `, it will return a :class:`QueueItem ` which can be used for retriving build item. >>> item = job.build() >>> import time >>> while not item.get_build(): ... time.sleep(1) >>> build = item.get_build() >>> print(build) >>> for line in build.progressive_output(): ... print(line) build with delay or token >>> item = job.build(delay='30sec', token='abc') build with parameters >>> item = job.build(arg1='string1', arg2='string2') disable/enable project to >>> job.disable() >>> job.buildable False >>> job.enable() >>> job.buildable True check if any build of project is running >>> job.building True get build with given number >>> build = job.get_build(1) or subscript with build number >>> build = job[1] other shortcut methods to get special build: >>> job.get_first_build() >>> job.get_last_build() >>> job.get_last_completed_build() >>> job.get_last_failed_build() >>> job.get_last_stable_build() >>> job.get_last_successful_build() >>> job.get_last_unstable_build() >>> job.get_last_unsuccessful_build() set next build number (requires `next-build-number` plugin) >>> job.set_next_build_number(1) iterate all builds of this project, following are same >>> for build in job: ... print(build) ... >>> for build in job.iter_builds(): ... print(build) ... see `Build`_ Folder ---------------------------------- :class:`Folder ` is organizational container in Jenkins, besides methods inheriented from :class:`Job `, following methods are avaliable: create empty folder:: >>> xml = ''' ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ''' >>> j.create_job('folder name', xml) create new job under the folder: >>> xml = """ ... ... ... ... echo this is testing! ... ... ... """ >>> folder.create('freestylejob', xml) get one job in the folder:: >>> job = folder.get('freestylejob') or with subscript:: >>> job = folder['freestylejob'] copy job in same folder:: >>> folder.copy('freestylejob', 'freestylejob2') reload folder:: >>> folder.reload() iterate jobs in folder, set depth for function `Folder.iter()` or obejct `folder` to iterate folder recursively:: # iter jobs in first level >>> for job in folder: ... print(job) >>> for job in folder(0): ... print(job) >>> for job in folder.iter(): ... print(job) # iter jobs with depth recursively >>> for job in folder(3): ... print(job) >>> for job in folder.iter(3): ... print(job) you can also manage folder based `View`_, `Credential`_ WorkflowMultiBranchProject -------------------------- WorkflowMultiBranchProject is a kind of `Folder`. it has few dedicated methods, assume you have one WorkflowMultiBranchProject object `branch_project` >>> branch_project.scan() >>> for line in branch_project.get_scan_log(): ... print(line) Build ----------------------------------- Build is result of a single execution of a Project, you can get it from :class:`QueueItem ` or :class:`Project ` check status and result of build:: >>> build.building True # block until build fininsh >>> import time >>> while build.building: ... time.sleep(2) ... >>> build.result 'SUCCESS' get console output >>> for line in build.console_text(): ... print(line) ... get progressive output >>> for line in build.progressive_output(): ... print(line) ... stop/term/kill build, more detail can be found: https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/using/aborting-a-build/ >>> build.stop() >>> build.term() >>> build.kill() get job of build: >>> job = build.get_job() or get previous/next build: >>> pre_build = build.get_previous_build() >>> next_build = build.get_next_build() get/set description of job: >>> build.description 'build 1' >>> build.set_description('new description') delete build >>> build.delete() >>> build.exists() False Jenkins has plugin `Junit `_ for publishing XML test reports generated during the builds and provides some graphical visualization of the historical test results. you can retrieve test reports:: >>> tr = build.get_test_report() see `TestReport`_, `TestSuite`_ , `TestCase`_ for more detail get parameters or causes of build :: >>> paramters = build.get_parameters() >>> causes = build.get_causes() WorkflowRun ------------ WorkflowRun is kind of `Build`, more detail to see: https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/ it provides an step `input `_ to pause current build until you input something. api4jenkins let you can process it programmatically. assume you have build object which requires two parameters, you can submit as this:: >>> while not build.get_pending_input(): ... time.sleep(1) >>> build.get_pending_input().submit(arg1='xyz', arg2=time.asctime()) or if without parameters:: >>> build.get_pending_input().submit() and abort input:: >>> build.get_pending_input().abort() WorkflowRun supports `archive artfacts `_, you can also process with api4jenkins:: save file you interest:: >>> for artifacts in build.get_artifacts(): ... if artifacts.name == 'you need': ... artfacts.save('filename') save artifacts as zip:: >>> build.save_artifacts('filename.zip') Credential ------------- Credential is for saving secret data, `api4jenkins` support to manage system and folder based credentials, all credentials must be in default domain(_). more detail can be found: `using credentials `_ and `credentials plugin user.doc `_ create/get folder based credential:: >>> xml = ''' ... user-id ... user-name ... user-password ... user id for testing ... ''' >>> folder.credentials.create(xml) >>> credential = folder.credentials.get('user-id') create system based credential:: >>> xml = ''' ... GLOBAL ... user-id ... user-name ... user-password ... user id for testing ... ''' >>> j.credentials.create(xml) >>> credential = j.credentials.get('user-id') get/update configuration of credential:: >>> print(credential.configure()) >>> credential.configure(new_xml) delete credential:: >>> credential.delete() >>> credential.exists() False iterate folder credentials:: >>> for c in folder.credentials: ... print(c) iterate system credentials:: >>> for c in j.credentials: ... print(c) View ------- Views in Jenkins allow us to organize jobs and content into tabbed categories, which are displayed on the main dashboard. `api4jenkins` support to manage system and folder based views create/get folder based view >>> xml = ''' ... ... EMPTY ... false ... false ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ''' >>> folder.views.create('test_view', xml) >>> view = folder.views.get('test_view') create system based view:: >>> j.views.create('test_view', xml) >>> view = j.views.get('test_view') get/update configuration of view >>> print(view.configure()) >>> view.configure(new_xml) delete view: >>> view.delete() >>> view.exists() False iterate views of folder >>> for view in folder.views: ... print(view) get job from view >>> job = view.get('job name') include/exclude job to/from view >>> view.include('job name') >>> view.exclude('job name') iterate jobs of view >>> for job in view: ... print(job) Queue --------- Queue is schedule of executing builds get queue item by id >>> item = j.queue.get('123') cancel item in queue >>> j.queue.cancel('123') iterate all items in queue >>> for item in j.queue: ... print(item) get job from queue item >>> job = item.get_job() get build from queue item >>> build = item.get_build() get parameters or causes of queue item :: >>> paramters = item.get_parameters() >>> causes = item.get_causes() get build from queue item until build is avaliable: >>> while not item.get_build(): ... time.sleep(1) cancel item >>> item.cancel() >>> item.exists() False Plugin ------------ Plugin manager is for managing plugins on Jenkins get plugin by name >>> plugin = j.plugins.get('cloudbees-folder') install plugin and block until finished, default is unblock >>> j.plugins.install('cloudbees-folder', 'credentials', block=True) uninstall plugins >>> j.plugins.uninstall('cloudbees-folder', 'credentials') set plugin update site >>> j.plugins.set_site('url of site') set proxy for update site >>> j.plugins.set_proxy('172.xxx.xx.xxx', '8080') check update on site >>> j.plugins.check_updates_server() iterate plugins >>> for plugin in j.plugins: ... print(plugin) check if plugin installation is done or restart required >>> j.plugins.installation_done >>> j.plugins.restart_required uninstall plugin >>> plugin.uninstall() >>> plugin.exists() False fully example to install plugins, save following code as install_plugins.py:: #!python URL = 'http://localhost:8080' USER = 'admin' PASSWORD = '1234' def install_plugins(*names): import re import time import os from api4jenkins import Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins(URL, auth=(USER, PASSWORD)) if os.getenv('HTTPS_PROXY'): matcher = re.match(r'(?P.*):(?P\d+)$', os.getenv('HTTPS_PROXY')) jenkins.plugins.set_proxy(matcher['ip'], port=matcher['port']) jenkins.plugins.check_updates_server() jenkins.plugins.install(*names, block=True) if jenkins.plugins.restart_required: jenkins.system.safe_restart() while not jenkins.exists(): time.sleep(2) for name in names: if not jenkins.plugins.get(name): raise RuntimeError(f'{name} was not installed successful') if __name__ == '__main__': import logging import sys logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) install_plugins(*sys.argv[1:]) call install_plugins.py to install plugin:: python3 install_plugins.py plugin1 plugin2 System ----------- Perform admin operation, restart/safe restart/quiet_down/cancel_quiet_down, see `how to start/stop/restart Jenkins `_ >>> j.system.restart() >>> j.system.safe_restart() >>> j.system.quiet_down() >>> j.system.cancel_quiet_down() >>> j.system.exit() >>> j.system.safe_exit() run groovy script >>> j.system.run_script('println "this is test"') it also supports to manage `jcasc `_ :: to reload jcase >>> j.system.reload_jcasc() to download the jcasc, default file name is jenkins.yaml >>> j.system.export_jcasc() to apply new jcasc >>> j.system.apply_jcasc('http://host/new_jcasc.yaml') Node ------- A machine which is part of the Jenkins environment and capable of executing Pipelines or Projects. get node >>> master = j.nodes.get('master') create node >>> j.nodes.create(**kwargs) the kwargs must any of : >>> { 'nodeDescription': '', 'numExecutors': 1, 'remoteFS': '/home/jenkins', 'labelString': '', 'mode': 'NORMAL', 'retentionStrategy': { 'stapler-class': 'hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy$Always' }, 'nodeProperties': {'stapler-class-bag': 'true'}, 'launcher': {'stapler-class': 'hudson.slaves.JNLPLauncher'} } iterate builds which is executing on nodes >>> for build in j.nodes.iter_builds(): ... print(build) iter all building items over jenkins >>> for build in j.nodes.iter_builds(): ... if build.building: ... print(build) iterate all nodes: >>> for node in j.nodes: ... print(node) enable/disable node >>> node.enable() >>> node.disable('set description') iterate builds which is executing on node >>> for build in node.iter_builds(): ... print(build) iter building item over one node >>> for build in j.nodes.get('node name'): ... if build.building: ... print(build) get/update configuration of node >>> print(node.configure()) >>> node.configure(new_xml) delete node >>> node.delete() >>> node.exists() False run groovy script on node >>> node.run_script('println "this is test"') User ------ you can manage api token for current user, and set description or delete user generate/revoke api token for current user, `Jenkins.me` is alias of `Jenkins.user`:: # j.me.generate_token() >>> j.user.generate_token() ApiToken(name='Token created on 2020-12-18T09:27:44.209Z', uuid='3d6a2b51-26cd-4788-9395-c218de5e732a', value='11813a7e1abbf8fc78a5bcc82136dc6e28') >>> j.user.revoke_token('3d6a2b51-26cd-4788-9395-c218de5e732a') iterate all known “users”, including login identities which the current security realm can enumerate, as well as people mentioned in commit messages in recorded changelogs. >>> for user in j.users: ... print(user) get user by id or full name :: >>> user1 = j.users.get(id='admin') >>> user2 = j.user.get(full_name='admin') set description for user:: >>> user1.set_description("i'm admin") delete user: >>> user1.delete() Item ---- An entity in the web UI corresponding to either a: Folder, Pipeline, or Project. Item is base class in api4jenkins. it provides many common methods. get json/xml data by calling `item.api_json()` or `item.api_xml()`, both of them are support depth and tree, see https://ci.jenkins.io/api/ >>> item.api_json() >>> item.api_xml() check if item exists >>> item.exists() list and access dynamic attributes(**must be snake case of json key**) come from json data >>> item.dynamic_attrs >>> item.url get Jenkins object from item >>> j = item.jenkins customize requests: >>> item.handle_req('POST', entry, params=params) TestReport ---------- Class for test report which was published by `JUnit `_, you can retrieve from build:: >>> tr = build.get_test_report() list dynamic attributes:: >>> print(tr.dynamic_attrs) get test suite by name:: >>> suite = tr.get('name of suite') iterate each suite of `TestReport`:: >>> for suite in tr: # same as `for suite in tr.suites` ... print(suite) show the attributes of `tr`:: >>> print(tr.dynamic_attrs) TestSuite --------- Class for test suite, you can get test case for it:: >>> case = suite.get('case name') iterate each test case:: >>> for case in suite: # same as `for case in suite.cases` ... print(case) show the attributes of `suite`:: >>> dir(suite) TestCase -------- Class for test case show the attributes of `case`:: >>> dir(case) iterate all case in test report and filter by status :: >>> for suite in tr: ... for case in suite: ... if case.status == 'PASSED': ... print(case)