.. _example: Examples ======== Jenkins ---------------------------------------- The first step is to initialize Jenkins object, it is very simple, just set `url`, `username` and `password` or `api token`: >>> from api4jenkins import Jenkins >>> j = Jenkins('', auth=('username', 'password or token')) >>> print(j) if Jenkins integrated with LDAP server, sometimes LDAP server will refuse to connect if access with username and password too much often, in this case, you can enable dynamic api token when initialize Jenkins which will create new api token and revoke token when object is destoried by garbage collection. >>> j = Jenkins('', auth=('username', 'password'), token=True) .. note:: Any parameter supported by `requests.Session.request `_ can be passed to initialize Jenkins object. Now, we have a :class:`Jenkins ` object `j`, let's check if Jenkins exists and retrive its version and crumb value:: >>> j.exists() True >>> j.version '2.176.2' >>> j.crumb {'_class': 'hudson.security.csrf.DefaultCrumbIssuer', 'crumb': 'ccc8a8388c8288140361e12526ca8b37aa8b05a33956905976bd57959832a225', 'crumbRequestField': 'Jenkins-Crumb'} In `api4jenkins `_, all classes are inheriented from class :class:`Item ` which provides many common methods and capability to access any `int, str, bool, none` value of key as attribute(**must be snake case of json key**) of object that returned by requesting `/api/json`. For example, we call `j.api_json()` to get data of Jenkins:: >>> j.api_json() { "_class": "hudson.model.Hudson", "assignedLabels": [ { "name": "master" } ], "mode": "EXCLUSIVE", "nodeDescription": "the master Jenkins node", "nodeName": "", "numExecutors": 1, "description": "My Jenkins", ..... } Then we can access attribute(**must be snake case of json key**) of Jenkins object to get value of key in json:: # attribute name should be snake case of key in json >>> j.description 'My jenkins' >>> j.num_executors 1 >>> j.node_description 'the master Jenkins node Call `j.dynamic_attrs` to get the dynamic attributes of an Item:: >>> j.dynamic_attrs ['_class', 'mode', 'node_description', 'node_name', 'num_executors', 'description', 'quieting_down', 'slave_agent_port', 'use_crumbs', 'use_security'] With Jenkins object you can manage many Items including: `Job`_, `Credential`_, `Node`_, `View`_, `Queue`_, `Plugin`_, `System`_ and so on. let's start with `Job`_ management. create job with `j.create_job()`:: >>> xml = """ ... ... ... ... echo $JENKINS_VERSION ... ... ... """ >>> j.create_job('freestylejob', xml) once job is created, we can get it by call `j.get_job()` or by subscript `j['freestylejob']` which will return a :class:`Job ` object:: >>> job = j.get_job('freestylejob') >>> print(job) # optional you can get job by accessing j['freestylejob'] >>> job = j['freestylejob'] now let's copy a new job and delete new:: >>> j.copy_job('freestylejob', 'dump-freestylejob') >>> dump_job = j.get_job('dump-freestylejob') >>> print(dump_job) >>> j.delete_job('dump-freestylejob') >>> dump_job = j.get_job('dump-freestylejob') >>> print(dump_job) None call `j.build_job()` to trigger job to build if it is buildable, it will return a :class:`QueueItem ` which can be used for retriving the :class:`Build `:: >>> item = j.build_job('freestylejob') >>> import time >>> while not item.get_build(): ... time.sleep(1) >>> build = item.get_build() >>> print(build) >>> for line in build.progressive_output(): ... print(line) .. note:: If you don't care console log, you can just poll the building status:: >>> while build.building: ... time.sleep(1) see `Build`_ you can also set delay and `Authentication Token` when trigger build:: >>> item = j.build_job('freestylejob', delay='30sec', token='abc') build with parameters is supported too:: >>> item = j.build_job('freestylejob', arg1='string1', arg2='string2') it's also possiable to iterate jobs of Jenkins, iterate jobs in first level:: # call function straightforward >>> for job in j.iter_jobs(): ... print(job) # or pythonic >>> for job in j: ... print(job) >>> for job in j(0): ... print(job) or iterate with depth :: >>> for job in j.iter_jobs(3): ... print(job) >>> for job in j(3): ... print(job) use `j.validate_jenkinsfile(content)` to validate your Jenkinsfile, it returns string '**Jenkinsfile successfully validated.**' if validate successful or error message.:: >>> j.validate_jenkinsfile('content') Job ---------------------------------- :class:`Job ` is user configured item in Jenkins, it's the base class of :class:`Folder ` and its subclass :class:`WorkflowMultiBranchProject `; :class:`Project ` and its subclass :class:`FreeStyleProject `, :class:`GitHubSCMNavigator `, :class:`IvyModuleSet `, :class:`MatrixProject `, :class:`MavenModuleSet `, :class:`MultiJobProject `, :class:`WorkflowJob `, :class:`MavenModuleSet `. as :class:`Job ` is subclass of Item, so we can retrive attributes from json returned by requesting `/api/json` as well:: >>> job.api_json() { "_class": "hudson.model.FreeStyleProject", "description": "test job", "displayName": "freestylejob", "displayNameOrNull": null, "fullDisplayName": "freestylejob", "fullName": "freestylejob", "name": "freestylejob", "url": "", "buildable": true, "builds": [], "color": "notbuilt", "firstBuild": null, "healthReport": [], "inQueue": false, ... } >>> job.buildable True >>> job.display_name 'freestylejob' to list all attributes are avaliable in json data >>> job.dynamic_attrs ['_class', 'description', 'display_name', 'full_display_name', 'full_name', 'name', 'url', 'buildable', 'color', 'in_queue', 'keep_dependencies', 'next_build_number', 'concurrent_build', 'disabled'] get the parent of `Job` >>> print(job.parent) get/update configuration: >>> print(job.configure()) ... echo $JENKINS_VERSION ... >>> xml = """ ... ... ... ... echo this is testing! ... ... ... """ >>> job.configure(xml) .. note:: method `configure()` is avaliable for Job, View, Credential, Node to get/set the xml configuration. get/set description of job: >>> job.description 'test job' >>> job.set_description('new description') rename/move/duplicate/delete of itself:: >>> job.rename('new_name') >>> job.move('path/to/new/locathon/') >>> job.duplicate('path/to/new/locathon/new_name') >>> job.delete() check if job exists: >>> job.exists() False Project ---------------------------------- :class:`Project ` is a kind of **buildable** Item in Jenkins, it's also subclass of Job. besides the methods come from Job, it has following additional methods. call `Project.build()` will start a :class:`Build `, it will return a :class:`QueueItem ` which can be used for retriving build item. >>> item = job.build() >>> import time >>> while not item.get_build(): ... time.sleep(1) >>> build = item.get_build() >>> print(build) >>> for line in build.progressive_output(): ... print(line) build with delay or token >>> item = job.build(delay='30sec', token='abc') build with parameters >>> item = job.build(arg1='string1', arg2='string2') disable/enable project to >>> job.disable() >>> job.buildable False >>> job.enable() >>> job.buildable True check if any build of project is running >>> job.building True get build with given number >>> build = job.get_build(1) other shortcut methods to get special build: >>> job.get_first_build() >>> job.get_last_build() >>> job.get_last_completed_build() >>> job.get_last_failed_build() >>> job.get_last_stable_build() >>> job.get_last_successful_build() >>> job.get_last_unstable_build() >>> job.get_last_unsuccessful_build() set next build number (requires `next-build-number` plugin) >>> job.set_next_build_number(1) iterate all builds of this project, following are same >>> for build in job: ... print(build) ... >>> for build in job.iter_builds(): ... print(build) ... see `Build`_ Folder ---------------------------------- :class:`Folder ` is organizational container in Jenkins, besides methods inheriented from :class:`Job `, following methods are avaliable: create empty folder:: >>> xml = ''' ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ''' >>> j.create_job('folder name', xml) create new job under the folder: >>> xml = """ ... ... ... ... echo this is testing! ... ... ... """ >>> folder.create('freestylejob', xml) get one job in the folder:: >>> job = folder.get('freestylejob') or with subscript:: >>> job = folder['freestylejob'] copy job in same folder:: >>> folder.copy('freestylejob', 'freestylejob2') reload folder:: >>> folder.reload() iterate jobs in folder, set depth for function `Folder.iter()` or obejct `folder` to iterate folder recursively:: # iter jobs in first level >>> for job in folder: ... print(job) >>> for job in folder(0): ... print(job) >>> for job in folder.iter(): ... print(job) # iter jobs with depth recursively >>> for job in folder(3): ... print(job) >>> for job in folder.iter(3): ... print(job) you can also manage folder based `View`_, `Credential`_ WorkflowMultiBranchProject -------------------------- WorkflowMultiBranchProject is a kind of `Folder`. it has few dedicated methods, assume you have one WorkflowMultiBranchProject object `branch_project` >>> branch_project.scan() >>> for line in branch_project.get_scan_log(): ... print(line) Build ----------------------------------- Build is result of a single execution of a Project, you can get it from :class:`QueueItem ` or :class:`Project ` check status and result of build:: >>> build.building True # block until build fininsh >>> import time >>> while build.building: ... time.sleep(2) ... >>> build.result 'SUCCESS' get console output >>> for line in build.console_text(): ... print(line) ... get progressive output >>> for line in build.progressive_output(): ... print(line) ... stop/term/kill build, more detail can be found: https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/using/aborting-a-build/ >>> build.stop() >>> build.term() >>> build.kill() get job of build: >>> job = build.get_job() or get previous/next build: >>> pre_build = build.get_previous_build() >>> next_build = build.get_next_build() get/set description of job: >>> build.description 'build 1' >>> build.set_description('new description') delete build >>> build.delete() >>> build.exists() False Jenkins has plugin `Junit `_ for publishing XML test reports generated during the builds and provides some graphical visualization of the historical test results. you can retrieve test reports:: >>> tr = build.get_test_report() see `TestReport`_, `TestSuite`_ , `TestCase`_ for more detail WorkflowRun ------------ WorkflowRun is kind of `Build`, more detail to see: https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/ it provides an step `input `_ to pause current build until you input something. api4jenkins let you can process it programmatically. assume you have build object which requires two parameters, you can submit as this:: >>> while not build.get_pending_input(): ... time.sleep(1) >>> build.get_pending_input().submit(arg1='xyz', arg2=time.asctime()) or if without parameters:: >>> build.get_pending_input().submit() and abort input:: >>> build.get_pending_input().abort() WorkflowRun supports `archive artfacts `_, you can also process with api4jenkins:: save file you interest:: >>> for artifacts in build.get_artifacts(): ... if artifacts.name == 'you need': ... artfacts.save('filename') save artifacts as zip:: >>> build.save_artifacts('filename.zip') Credential ------------- Credential is for saving secret data, `api4jenkins` support to manage system and folder based credentials, all credentials must be in default domain(_). more detail can be found: `using credentials `_ and `credentials plugin user.doc `_ create/get folder based credential:: >>> xml = ''' ... user-id ... user-name ... user-password ... user id for testing ... ''' >>> folder.credentials.create(xml) >>> credential = folder.credentials.get('user-id') create system based credential:: >>> xml = ''' ... GLOBAL ... user-id ... user-name ... user-password ... user id for testing ... ''' >>> j.credentials.create(xml) >>> credential = j.credentials.get('user-id') get/update configuration of credential:: >>> print(credential.configure()) >>> credential.configure(new_xml) delete credential:: >>> credential.delete() >>> credential.exists() False iterate folder credentials:: >>> for c in folder.credentials: ... print(c) iterate system credentials:: >>> for c in j.credentials: ... print(c) View ------- Views in Jenkins allow us to organize jobs and content into tabbed categories, which are displayed on the main dashboard. `api4jenkins` support to manage system and folder based views create/get folder based view >>> xml = ''' ... ... EMPTY ... false ... false ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ''' >>> folder.views.create('test_view', xml) >>> view = folder.views.get('test_view') create system based view:: >>> j.views.create('test_view', xml) >>> view = j.views.get('test_view') get/update configuration of view >>> print(view.configure()) >>> view.configure(new_xml) delete view: >>> view.delete() >>> view.exists() False iterate views of folder >>> for view in folder.views: ... print(view) get job from view >>> job = view.get('job name') include/exclude job to/from view >>> view.include('job name') >>> view.exclude('job name') iterate jobs of view >>> for job in view: ... print(job) Queue --------- Queue is schedule of executing builds get queue item by id >>> item = j.queue.get('123') cancel item in queue >>> j.queue.cancel('123') iterate all items in queue >>> for item in j.queue: ... print(item) get job from queue item >>> job = item.get_job() get build from queue item >>> build = item.get_build() get build from queue item until build is avaliable: >>> while not item.get_build(): ... time.sleep(1) cancel item >>> item.cancel() >>> item.exists() False Plugin ------------ Plugin manager is for managing plugins on Jenkins get plugin by name >>> plugin = j.plugins.get('cloudbees-folder') install plugin and block until finished, default is unblock >>> j.plugins.install('cloudbees-folder', 'credentials', block=True) uninstall plugins >>> j.plugins.uninstall('cloudbees-folder', 'credentials') set plugin update site >>> j.plugins.set_site('url of site') set proxy for update site >>> j.plugins.set_proxy('172.xxx.xx.xxx', '8080') check update on site >>> j.plugins.check_updates_server() iterate plugins >>> for plugin in j.plugins: ... print(plugin) check if plugin installation is done or restart required >>> j.plugins.installation_done >>> j.plugins.restart_required uninstall plugin >>> plugin.uninstall() >>> plugin.exists() False fully example to install plugins, save following code as install_plugins.py:: #!python URL = 'http://localhost:8080' USER = 'admin' PASSWORD = '1234' def install_plugins(*names): import re import time import os from api4jenkins import Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins(URL, auth=(USER, PASSWORD)) if os.getenv('HTTPS_PROXY'): matcher = re.match(r'(?P.*):(?P\d+)$', os.getenv('HTTPS_PROXY')) jenkins.plugins.set_proxy(matcher['ip'], port=matcher['port']) jenkins.plugins.check_updates_server() jenkins.plugins.install(*names, block=True) if jenkins.plugins.restart_required: jenkins.system.safe_restart() while not jenkins.exists(): time.sleep(2) for name in names: if not jenkins.plugins.get(name): raise RuntimeError(f'{name} was not installed successful') if __name__ == '__main__': import logging import sys logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) install_plugins(*sys.argv[1:]) call install_plugins.py to install plugin:: python3 install_plugins.py plugin1 plugin2 System ----------- Perform admin operation, restart/safe restart/quiet_down/cancel_quiet_down, see `how to start/stop/restart Jenkins `_ >>> j.system.restart() >>> j.system.safe_restart() >>> j.system.quiet_down() >>> j.system.cancel_quiet_down() >>> j.system.exit() >>> j.system.safe_exit() run groovy script >>> j.system.run_script('println "this is test"') Node ------- A machine which is part of the Jenkins environment and capable of executing Pipelines or Projects. get node >>> master = j.nodes.get('master') create node >>> j.nodes.create(**kwargs) the kwargs must any of : >>> { 'nodeDescription': '', 'numExecutors': 1, 'remoteFS': '/home/jenkins', 'labelString': '', 'mode': 'NORMAL', 'retentionStrategy': { 'stapler-class': 'hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy$Always' }, 'nodeProperties': {'stapler-class-bag': 'true'}, 'launcher': {'stapler-class': 'hudson.slaves.JNLPLauncher'} } iterate builds which is executing on nodes >>> for build in j.nodes.iter_builds(): ... print(build) iter all building items over jenkins >>> for build in j.nodes.iter_builds(): ... if build.building: ... print(build) iterate all nodes: >>> for node in j.nodes: ... print(node) enable/disable node >>> node.enable() >>> node.disable('set description') iterate builds which is executing on node >>> for build in node.iter_builds(): ... print(build) iter building item over one node >>> for build in j.nodes.get('node name'): ... if build.building: ... print(build) get/update configuration of node >>> print(node.configure()) >>> node.configure(new_xml) delete node >>> node.delete() >>> node.exists() False run groovy script on node >>> node.run_script('println "this is test"') User ------ you can manage api token for current user, and set description or delete user generate/revoke api token for current user, `Jenkins.me` is alias of `Jenkins.user`:: # j.me.generate_token() >>> j.user.generate_token() ApiToken(name='Token created on 2020-12-18T09:27:44.209Z', uuid='3d6a2b51-26cd-4788-9395-c218de5e732a', value='11813a7e1abbf8fc78a5bcc82136dc6e28') >>> j.user.revoke_token('3d6a2b51-26cd-4788-9395-c218de5e732a') iterate all known “users”, including login identities which the current security realm can enumerate, as well as people mentioned in commit messages in recorded changelogs. >>> for user in j.users: ... print(user) get user by id or full name :: >>> user1 = j.users.get(id='admin') >>> user2 = j.user.get(full_name='admin') set description for user:: >>> user1.set_description("i'm admin") delete user: >>> user1.delete() Item ---- An entity in the web UI corresponding to either a: Folder, Pipeline, or Project. Item is base class in api4jenkins. it provides many common methods. get json/xml data by calling `item.api_json()` or `item.api_xml()`, both of them are support depth and tree, see https://ci.jenkins.io/api/ >>> item.api_json() >>> item.api_xml() check if item exists >>> item.exists() list and access dynamic attributes(**must be snake case of json key**) come from json data >>> item.dynamic_attrs >>> item.url get Jenkins object from item >>> j = item.jenkins customize requests: >>> item.handle_req('POST', entry, params=params) TestReport ---------- Class for test report which was published by `JUnit `_, you can retrieve from build:: >>> tr = build.get_test_report() list dynamic attributes:: >>> print(tr.dynamic_attrs) get test suite by name:: >>> suite = tr.get('name of suite') iterate each suite of `TestReport`:: >>> for suite in tr: # same as `for suite in tr.suites` ... print(suite) show the attributes of `tr`:: >>> print(tr.dynamic_attrs) TestSuite --------- Class for test suite, you can get test case for it:: >>> case = suite.get('case name') iterate each test case:: >>> for case in suite: # same as `for case in suite.cases` ... print(case) show the attributes of `suite`:: >>> dir(suite) TestCase -------- Class for test case show the attributes of `case`:: >>> dir(case) iterate all case in test report and filter by status :: >>> for suite in tr: ... for case in suite: ... if case.status == 'PASSED': ... print(case)