.. api4jenkins documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Dec 16 20:16:12 2019. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to api4jenkins's documentation! ========================================= `Api4jenkins `_ is an object oriented `Python `_ project that provides access to the `Jenkins `_ `Remote access API `_ programmatically. It assiciates/constructs python class/object with Jenkins's items and JSON API. It provides but not limits functionalities to control Job, Build, Node, View, Credential, BuildQueue, Plugins and System: - get/delete/create/move/rename/copy/build/enable/disable job or folder, iterate children jobs with depth, folder based views/credentials functionalities - get/iterate builds of project, stop/term/kill build, get progressive console output. - get/delete/create/iterate views for jenkins or folder. add/remove jobs to/from view. - get/delete/create/iterate credentials for system or folder. - get/delete/create/iterate nodes, run groovy script on node. - get/cancel/iterate queue item, get job/build from queue item. - restart/safe restart/quiet down/cancel quiet down/run groovy script for master - get item status(int, bool, str) by accessing attribute of python object. - install/uninstall/iterate plugin, check installation status, change update site and set proxy Quick start ---------------------------------------- Here is an example to create and build job, then monitor progressive output until it's done. >>> from api4jenkins import Jenkins >>> j = Jenkins('', auth=('admin', 'admin')) >>> j.version '2.176.2' >>> xml = """ ... ... ... ... echo $JENKINS_VERSION ... ... ... """ >>> j.create_job('freestylejob', xml) >>> job = j.get_job('freestylejob') >>> print(job) >>> print(job.parent) >>> print(job.jenkins) >>> import time >>> item = job.build() >>> while not item.get_build(): ... time.sleep(1) >>> build = item.get_build() >>> print(build) >>> for line in build.progressive_output(): ... print(line) ... Started by user admin Running as SYSTEM Building in workspace /var/jenkins_home/workspace/freestylejob [freestylejob] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins2989549474028065940.sh + echo $JENKINS_VERSION 2.176.2 Finished: SUCCESS >>> build.building False >>> build.result 'SUCCESS' .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: user/install.rst user/example.rst user/api.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`